Doom Memorabilia

By Lee Killough

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Download the Entire Set of Doom Memorabilia (around 512K)

A wad that quickly demonstrates Doom II's Arch-Vile bug (requires Doom II)

Two Barons fighting head-to-head (requires Doom v1.1) Screenshots

A Doom marine's life after death, shown in two different ways (requires Doom II): Screenshots

E1M3 Pit
History behind the mysterious Toxin Refinery pit Screenshots

E1M6 Null
Screenshot of a sergeant trapped behind a wall on E1M6

A wad that illustrates the lift bug (requires Doom v1.2 or earlier) Screenshots

Tricks leading to a quick finishing of E3M7 (for record shortcuts, see COMPET-N)

Mt. Erebus
Demo of pressing switch on E3M6 on its backside to get to E3M9 (requires Doom v1.1) Screenshots

Revenant missiles which enter continuous orbit (requires Doom II) Screenshots

A place you can get stuck in Deimos Lab, fixed in later versions (requires Doom v1.1) Screenshots

Barons and Cacodemons committing suicide (requires Doom v1.1) Screenshots

Screenshots of the E1M4 Swastika, before and after it changed

Tutti-Frutti Effect
A TFE bug which has existed in every version of Doom Screenshots