06:07 -!- fraggle [~lol@alcopop.org] has joined #moocows 06:07 -!- Topic for #moocows: This is #moocows, OFTC's social channel. Moooooo! || Get Network/IRC/Services related help in #oftc | Everything regarding that other network is not on-topic here. nobody wants to hear it anymore. take it elsewhere. 06:07 -!- Topic set by weasel [] [Thu Apr 20 11:45:43 2006] 06:07 [Users #moocows] 06:07 [ Aaron-O ] [ ElectricElf ] [ jeff ] [ Meaningful] [ Shi ] 06:07 [ brad ] [ emag ] [ jilles ] [ nemith ] [ skip ] 06:07 [ cdlu ] [ FloodServ ] [ JT ] [ newmanbe ] [ steveb ] 06:07 [ christel ] [ fraggle ] [ Kat ] [ NigelJ ] [ target0 ] 06:07 [ CowBot ] [ gecko ] [ kepe ] [ noni ] [ tillo ] 06:07 [ crib ] [ guildenstern] [ kyelewis[2]] [ odedra ] [ tomaw ] 06:07 [ cryogen_ ] [ hajvan ] [ Lance ] [ Peter_ ] [ Understudy] 06:07 [ darkness ] [ hori ] [ LoRez ] [ praetorian] [ vlii ] 06:07 [ Delemas ] [ Hydroxide ] [ Magda ] [ rik ] [ War2 ] 06:07 [ Diablo-D3] [ io ] [ Matt ] [ RRubin ] [ x86 ] 06:07 [ dsoul ] [ janwil ] [ Maulkin ] [ Rubin ] [ xptek ] 06:07 -!- Irssi: #moocows: Total of 55 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 55 normal] 06:07 -!- Channel #moocows created Mon Sep 9 03:25:52 2002 06:08 -!- Irssi: Join to #moocows was synced in 55 secs 06:09 -!- cryogen [stu@cryogen.noc.oftc.net] has joined #moocows 06:09 -!- spb [spb@pan.object4.net] has joined #moocows 06:09 -!- winjer [~winjer@winjer.netrep.oftc.net] has joined #moocows 06:10 -!- cryogen [stu@cryogen.noc.oftc.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:05 -!- RRubin [~rubin@CPE-72-131-65-238.mn.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:59 -!- Dream_Catcher [~dc46664@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has joined #moocows 08:06 -!- Meaningful [nirc@12-215-38-78.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:06 -!- Dream_Catcher [~dc46664@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: bye !!!!!!] 08:42 < Diablo-D3> yes! 08:42 < Diablo-D3> http://www.makepatrickrich.com/ 08:53 -!- seha [hajvan@sevdalia.hajvan.net] has joined #moocows 09:09 -!- Lance [~lance@66-190-247-144.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:09 -!- Lance [~lance@66-190-247-144.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #moocows 09:14 -!- Lance [~lance@66-190-247-144.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has quit [Quit: Disconnecting from stoned server.] 09:15 -!- Lance [~lance@66-190-247-144.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #moocows 09:20 -!- cryogen_ is now known as cryogen 09:38 < fraggle> Diablo-D3, you really are pathetic 09:38 < fraggle> who the hell donated $150 09:38 < Diablo-D3> a very awesome person 09:39 < fraggle> someone who doesnt know you i guess 09:41 < fraggle> at least lilo gave a reason for begging for money 09:43 < Diablo-D3> fraggle: yes, and hes going to yell at me for parodying his cause. 09:43 < Diablo-D3> well, making fun of it, anyways 09:45 < fraggle> how is this a parody 09:45 < fraggle> those are working paypal links as far as i can tell 09:45 < Diablo-D3> the joke wouldnt be funny if they didnt work 09:46 < fraggle> why 09:46 < Diablo-D3> the punchline is I get rich. 09:46 < Diablo-D3> so you cant tell me the joke isnt fucking hillarious. 09:47 < fraggle> i dont get it 09:47 < fraggle> how is this different from what lilo is doing 09:47 < Diablo-D3> it isnt! thats why its funny! 09:47 < fraggle> what 09:48 < Diablo-D3> are you humour impaired? 09:48 < Diablo-D3> I get rich, save the world, yadda yadda 09:48 < Diablo-D3> lilo gets nothing, and rots in hell 09:48 < fraggle> what 09:49 < Diablo-D3> yes, fraggle, Im actually doing something totally awesome with my money 09:49 < fraggle> paying off your student loan? 09:49 < Diablo-D3> unlike him, I dont have a student loan to pay off 09:49 < Diablo-D3> nor do I want a fucking moterboat or whatever it is he wants 09:50 < fraggle> you never went to university? 09:50 < Diablo-D3> no, I was too busy participating in failing dotbombs. 09:50 < fraggle> you havent actually explained what this "totally awesome" thing is that you're going to do with your money 09:51 < Diablo-D3> oh, start my own tech industry company 09:52 -!- Netsplit iridium.oftc.net <-> debconf.oftc.net quits: seha 09:52 < fraggle> why do you need to beg for money to do that 09:53 < Diablo-D3> because its funny! 09:53 < fraggle> show me someone other than yourself who finds this funny 09:53 < Diablo-D3> okay, fine, quit ruining my psycology experiment 09:54 < fraggle> so now its a psychology experiment? 09:54 < Diablo-D3> yes =/ 09:54 < fraggle> is it a parody, way of starting a company or a psychology experiment? 09:54 < fraggle> i'm confused 09:54 < Diablo-D3> the latter. 09:55 < Diablo-D3> I wanna see if people actually do it. 09:55 < fraggle> and then? 09:55 < Diablo-D3> and then... nothing. 09:55 < Diablo-D3> you want me to publish a report or something? 09:55 < fraggle> so you're planning to return their money after the experiment? 09:55 < Diablo-D3> oh hell no. 09:56 < Diablo-D3> what are you, daft? 09:56 < fraggle> people usually get paid for participating in experiments 09:57 < Diablo-D3> yup, and instead, they pay me on this one. 10:01 < fraggle> you're not very good at coming up with excuses for begging for money