Workspaces: - Workspaces are tied to monitors and there's no way to move a workspace to a different monitor - Can't use mod+shift+arrow to move a window from one monitor to another - No way to set predefined workspaces. I always want the left monitor to have workspaces 1-5, right monitor workspaces 6-10. Sizing: - No option to show window dimensions while resizing. Other WMs show a pop-up. Having a pop-up would also solve the "forgot I was in resize mode" problem. - Can't resize terminals based on columns/rows. Other WMs snap to columns and rows when resizing. I want to be able to "grow by one character" rather than "grow by n pixels" or "grow by x% of the screen" - No way to set a predefined screen layout. I want to be able to optimize to have as many terminals be 80 columns as possible, or have one pane that is always 640 pixels wide. IPC - There's a nice JSON-based IPC interface for getting the current state but changing state requires crafting text commands. Configuration: - Things like this: bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2 bindsym $mod+Shift+at move workspace 2 Why not: bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move workspace 2 Using 'at' makes the behavior depend on keyboard layout, and who can remember all the X symbol names anyway? - The default settings for the i3bar are stupid. "DHCP: yes", "VPN: no", "No battery". In what scenario do I ever want to know my IPv6 address in a form that I can't copy and paste? Other: - No compositing, and flicker when switching workspaces! - Shouldn't there be a Quake-style pulldown console for typing those i3 commands?