I have given John Romero ownership of my Doom web pages.
I have full confidence in his ability to maintain and improve them, as well as to fit them within a much larger site.
When I originally took my pages down in December 1998, there was resentment, and even the idea by some, to resurrect my web pages against my wishes.
By keeping my pages down, I was simply exercising my last rights, holding onto the only things I had left but my soul, after sacrificing so much for Boom, MBF, BSP, etc.
Today I hold very little bitterness. I forgive everyone, and I have found a good resting place for my pages, a place that I did not find earlier: A resting place with one of the gods.
I am entirely sincere, and hold no malice towards anyone. You have all been great, and Doom is forever!!!
Lee Killough
Summer 2000