Doom Conference

This is an html-ized version of Computer Gaming World's Doom Conference transcript, dated September 1994.

Shawn Green and American McGee discuss Doom II, which was not yet released at the time.

	Computer Gaming World recently received a request from GILLS@ for a copy of the DOOM transcript. He requested the 
transcript be made available to selected newsgroups.

	As a result, here is a compiled version of the DOOM Conference held
on the Computer Gaming World Forum (GO GAMEWORLD) on August 1-5, 
1994. GAMEWORLD is available on ZiffNet (via CompuServe) and is the 
online forum of Computer Gaming World magazine.

	The conference is presented here in slightly edited form. Messages 
were shortened for clarity and organized by category so questions and answers 
are grouped together.

	You can participate in future conferences like this by subscribing to 
ZiffNet. We have a software library of more than 6300 top-rated programs and 
provide information on personal computers. For more information on ZiffNet 
or Computer Gaming World magazine, send an e-mail to Max Green at 
MGREEN@ZDI.ZIFF.COM specifying your interest.

	This text is Copyright (c) 1994 by Ziff-Davis Interactive and may 
be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. 
copyright law. The transcript may be distributed free of charge, but it must 
be distributed in its entirety and must not be sold for remuneration of any 
kind. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms 
requires the the notification of Ziff Communications.

Russ Lockwood
Sysop, GAMEWORLD forum


Welcome to GAMEWORLD's second on-line conference. This time, the topic is
DOOM, the wildly popular and addictive 3D game from ID Software.

The conference lasts from August 1 through August 5 and we're pleased to
announce that our guests will be ID Software's American McGee, on-line
support, tester, and DOOM level creator, and Shwan Green, on-line support and
tester. They'll be happy to answer all your questions about DOOM and perhaps
give us a preview of things to come in DOOM II. Other folks from ID may stop
by as well. So get your questions ready--whatever you wanted to know about
DOOM--now's the time to ask.

For those of you who have not received the July issue of Computer Gaming World
with its cover story about DOOM II, we have the full-text file (DOM120.TXT)
here in GAMEWORLD, plus some screen shots for you to download. In addition, we
have a wide range of DOOM-related utilities and files to allow you to create
your own DOOM levels as well as play some others have created. You'll
especially want to grab Stephen Baldwin's PARKDO.ZIP--a rendering of
Ziff-Davis Publications HQ in New York City.

The conference will be held here in section 17, from August 1 through August
5. We are pleased to announce that ID Software's American McGee, on-line
support, tester, and designer of some DOOM levels, and Shawn Green, on-line
support and tester, will be our guests during DOOM Week. They, and perhaps
some other folks from ID, will be here to answer all your questions about DOOM
and perhaps give us a hint about DOOM II.

We have moved a considerable number of DOOM files--utilities and levels--into
this forum to give you an idea of the wide world of DOOM. Of special note are
utilities that allow you to create your own DOOM levels, add music, and add
graphics, plus a number of DOOM levels (especially the highly recommended
PARKDO.ZIP) for your enjoyment. If you haven't seen the July issue of Computer
Gaming World, you'll definitely want to download the full-text article
(DOM120.TXT) which tells of DOOM II. We've also arranged for the screen shots
of the new DOOM II monsters (as seen in the magazine) to be placed in our
library as well.

So join me, CGW editors, ID Software, and other DOOM enthusiasts for a
rip-roaring descent into the world of DOOM here on GAMEWORLD.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

To start things off with the DOOM conference, I'm posting a few questions
of my own, each under their own subject. American and Shawn

Welcome, id Software!

On behalf of ZiffNet and its members, I'd like to welcome our honored guests
from ID Software. We are quite pleased to have you for our DOOM Conference,
although I post this a little ahead of time.
I wonder if we can start off with a little bit of info about yourselves.
Please, introduce yourselves, and tell us a little about what you do at ID,
and perhaps a little background into your input into the original DOOM.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

:On behalf of ZiffNet and its members, I'd like to welcome our honored guests
:from ID Software. We are quite pleased to have you for our DOOM Conference,
:although I post this a little ahead of time.
Thanks. Glad to be here. :)

:Please, introduce yourselves, and tell us a little about what you do at ID,
:and perhaps a little background into your input into the original DOOM.
Name:   Shawn Green
Position: Software Support/Software Testing/Level design/A little
programming/and pretty much anything else.
Mainly I give on-line support and test software all day. I do a little of
everything else when I have time....
Name:   American McGee
Position: Level designer, tech support, lizard care-taker, and just about
anything else that I happen to be doing that day.

There's four difficulty levels in the shareware version, plus a Nightmare
version in the upgrade. I can see there are fewer mutants and monsters
about, but is there any sort of "aggressiveness" factor involved when
changing difficulty levels?

Maybe a more general question would be, How do the difficulty levels work?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

:There's four difficulty levels in the shareware version, plus a Nightmare
:version in the upgrade. I can see there are fewer mutants and monsters
:about, but is there any sort of "aggressiveness" factor involved when
:changing difficulty levels?
Yes. The demons will attack faster, recover faster from shots and shots will
do less damage.
-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I noticed in Lombardi's article (in Computer Gaming World) that DOOM II will have higher system requirements. Now that you are closer to release on DOOM II than 3 months ago, what kind of requirements will DOOM II need?

And I guess I should ask, is DOOM II still slated for a mid-October release?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

486 will be a must. 486 w/8MB recommended.
-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Now the burning question. We know what kind of car Carmack drives, but what
kind do you, Shawn, and American, drive?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Do we have to say? I drive a 1983 Camaro Z28.

American drives 1990 CRX.

-Shawn green
-- id Software 74250,2566

It would be great to get a WAD of that Camero! (g)... 

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

I used to own a 78 Camaro 3spd 6. Not a Z, but ran decently and had a T
roof. After 90,000 miles, got "sensible" and bought a 85 Nissan Stanza
puddlejumper. Still my main car at 232,000+ miles.

So, if you guys race Carmack, do you limit him to first gear?  :)

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

OK, I'll bite...

Where do you go for a drive in a 700+HP Ferrari?

And does Carmack really have a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a
Ferrari, too"

:Where do you go for a drive in a 700+HP Ferrari?

If you're unlucky, the hospital. :)

Actually, Carmack hasn't got the TR w/700HP out of the shop yet, they are
still mapping it's performance.

:And does Carmack really have a bumper sticker that says "My other car is a
:Ferrari, too"

No. Bumper stickers and Ferraris don't mix.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

 I saw a licence plate frame here on a Rolls that said "My other car is a
piece of s**t too!" You have to like guys with a sense of humour.

 Are you going to make the area of effect weapons (Rocket Launcher, BFG-9000)
TRUE area of effect weapons?  It annoys me a bit when I lob a rocket (or six!)
through a door and only get one guy.

-- Bruce Hawick 70714,3403

Do you work a level up from a map, or just a rough sketch? Or just out of your

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

We don't do any preliminary planning for the levels. We just load up DOOMED
go at it. From the imagination....

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Hear that, Mr. Baldwin? From scratch.... :)

(having seen Steve wandering around the corridors of Ziff-Davis HQ, map in
hand, making notes. Of course, the end result is one heckuva accurate
rendering of the 11th floor!)

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

When you see him wandering around with a shotgun, I guess that'll pretty much
answer most of the questions in the "DOOM & Violence" thread :)

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

DOUBLE CHUCKLE! wandering around with a shotgun...chuckle chuckle!

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

:After a long, hard day slaving away at DOOM II level creation, what do you
:do to relax? Somehow, I don't think you create multidimensional financial
:spreadsheets :), but what?
Play our levels. Go for rides in 700+HP Ferarris :). Carmack and American go
-Shawn Green

Looking back on the original shareware version of DOOM,
what do you believe is the single most interesting aspect of the game?
and what do you believe is the single worst aspect of the game?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

:Looking back on the original shareware version of DOOM,
:what do you believe is the single most interesting aspect of the game?


:and what do you believe is the single worst aspect of the game?

The time consumption during deathmatch. We've had to ban it so we can
get work done. :)

-Shawn green
-- id Software 74250,2566

-->>>>>    And now for a variety of information about the upcoming DOOM II.

How do I get DOOM II? I will be at Computer showcase in Pomona, CA on Aug 6th
but if they don't have it where is it. I now have Registered version(all three
Episodes) of DOOM?.

-- MICK J. JOHNSON 74563,23

DOOM II is not yet released. Official release date is October 10th.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

       DOOMsday is October 10th. Searching before that day is not likely to be
fruitful. We're all waiting... going mad... waiting...

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

[DOOM II System requirements will increase to a 486 system with 8MB of RAM.] 

That's not too bad, since just about everything sold now is a 486 and up.
Looks like a memory shortage will be looming after DOOM II is released as
folks upgrade like crazy from 4MB to 8MB.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

My response to the young man who said 486's are common, yes they are. But for
fellas like myself who have a 386 40 with only 4 megs.. The requirements keep
getting larger and larger.. When do programmers ever have enough!!

-- MILTON ROBERSON 72410,3134

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint) with computers
enough is never enough.

-- Ken Hipple [ZiffNet] 72241,65

Since DOOM II is Hell on Earth, are you going to model any of the levels
after real places?

Are we going to see the last level as a Mesquite level, or id Software's HQ?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

One of the city levels has the big black id building. The inside is nothing
like id, but the outside is....

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

In DOOM II Hell On Earth - are all the villians still mutant and murderous
aliens? Or are there regular human folks? I can justify the level of violence
since these are fantasy characters. I even let my 8 yr old play the lowest
level. Thanks -Jeff

-- Jeff Kasavan 76424,1125

Nope. Murderous demons from Hell.......

: Or are there regular human folks?

Well, there are FORMER humans....

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566


Don't tell me that DOOM II is set at Colombia Law School!  Aargggh!

(g,r & d) 

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

What would be nice to see in Doom2 is damage detail on the monsters, kind of
like the detail on the players face on the satus bar. When you shot them a
couple of time you actually see the bullet holes, etc... Also I was wondering
why do the dead monsters contently continue to face your player head on when ever you look at them. Will this so called problem be fix in the upcoming Doom?

Thank you
-- Daniel 74273,1057

       What would you do in the secret level of episode 2, where there are
about 8 hell barons and maybe 24 cacodemons all in your area? I mean, how
would you display their damage detail??  I like the idea, I just can't see how
you'd implement it.

       RE the dead monsters, look closely and you'll see that *anything*
inanimate - weapons, ammo, etc. - has only one side. Walk around it and it
always faces you.

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

       I have dozens of DOOM II GIFs, and there's one rumoured "new monster" I
don't see in them.  They have the new Sarge with the chaingun, and the new
cacodemon that shoots flaming skulls instead of merely fireballs, and the one
that everyone seems to call "heavyweight hellion" (is that his NAME?). But
some articles mention a skeleton-type monster.  I ain't seen him in no GIFs.
Was he just an evil roomer?

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

We've uploaded a number of GIFs in this forum, taken from DOOM II (the ones
that you see in the article in the July issue of Computer Gaming World. We
even uploaded a photo of Carmack and his Ferrari.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

I heard a rumor that once DOOM II comes out, you're going to release
original DOOM code as freeware. Is it true?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567


-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Are you going to make the area of effect weapons (Rocket Launcher, BFG-9000)
TRUE area of effect weapons?  It annoys me a bit when I lob a rocket (or
six!) through a door and only get one guy.

-- Bruce Hawick 70714,3403 

The Rocket launcher is a true "area affect" when you launch into a room of
demons, the one that gets hit absorbs most of the damage. The BFG is more
of a sight damage. Basically everything in your line of vision (providing you
can still see the bfg shot) gets damaged.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

--->>>>>   And now on to DOOM on CD-ROM...

Dear all, 
thanks for the best game of the year - however, as always, we gamers are
always after more !!!
You managed to fit in over 30 or so areas in about 10Meg with this release, I
can only think how many could fit onto a 650Mb CDROM.
Any plans to produce a huge DOOM CD ???

-- Nigel Hodgson 100101,2662

To: ID Software
I would also be seriously interested in a CD version.  The potential is mind
boggling, the carnage endless <g>
Utterly Awesome Game Dudes
-- Paul White 100113,1744

Will ID Software come out with a CD-ROM version of DOOM?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 

Yes. DOOM ][ will be available on CD-ROM for machines with at least 8MB. No
new data will be included.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

A CDROM could contain more sounds and background art.

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

#: 3117 S17/* Doom Conference
    03-Aug-94  17:42:17
Sb: #Running off CD ROM
To: Russ Lockwood  72241,567 (X)

I have heard that DOOM ][ will not be able to be run off the CD ROM. I sure
hope this is *NOT* true. Since the minimum system requirements have been
raised up I would hope that this new DOOM would be playable from the CD ROM.
Some of us have triple and quad speed players and lots of ram (but not much
harddrive space). PLEASE tell me this rumor ain't true.

-- Starship 72772,505

--->>>>>    The levels are the heart and soul of DOOM. No matter how great the graphics, no matter how impressive the weapon, if the level doesn't work, thegame doesn't work. So, for all your level-headed people out there, a discussion of DOOM levels...

I know you've done some of the level design work--where do you get the
inspiration? Movies, books? CAD conferences?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

None of the above. Everyone here who designs levels pretty much just thinks
about a room that would look really cool, and designs it! Other secrets, cool
traps, etc. can be added at any time if needed.
-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Although I risk the answer "every one of them,' do you guys have a favorite

For player vs. computer?
For Deathmatch?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

:Although I risk the answer "every one of them,' do you guys have a favorite


:For player vs. computer?

Not that that I can think of....

:For Deathmatch?


-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I've noticed the proliferation of user levels available to plug into DOOM
(the registered version only). Some of them are quite challenging, others,
well, are, well, levels. What do you think of these user-created levels?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

We think user designed levels are great, it extends the life of the game,
and lets the user get an idea of some of the creative processes that go
into a game like DOOM.
:Is it something that ID the company detests (in the vein of users corrupting
:the design), doesn't care about, or encourages (as long as it needs the
:registered version)?
We do not detest it at all. Actually, at one point, we released code for
correctly compiling DOOM maps. John Romero and American McGee
also suscribe and frequently post to an internet mailing list about
the creating on DOOM levels.
:Considering the democratic heirarchy of ID (according to Chris Lombardi's
:article in July issue), how did folks split on this one?
Our general opinion is user created levels are good for users and the game
as well. The only objection we have is the use of the levels with the
shareware version and the selling of levels.
-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

That's a great outlook on your product--and probably a contributing factor
in why it's been a hit. I certainly applaud you for making a sort of
aftermarket to "extend the life of the game" as you said.

To grasp a point, what do you mean by an objection to "selling of levels?"
Does that mean the original designer of the level can't charge for them?
What about a shareware company bundling a disk full of these levels together
(I've heard shareware DOOM pops up on shareware CD-ROM collections)? What
about someone like CompuServe/ZiffNet, where it may cost 20 cents worth of
time to download a level?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

:To grasp a point, what do you mean by an objection to "selling of levels?"
:Does that mean the original designer of the level can't charge for them?


:What about a shareware company bundling a disk full of these levels together
:(I've heard shareware DOOM pops up on shareware CD-ROM collections)?

We're stopping that. :)

What about someone like CompuServe/ZiffNet, where it may cost 20 cents worth
of time to download a level?

That's more like charging for a service.

A good example of what we do not like is the Laura Beyer levels. This person
has created an example of her level design and charges for more levels. This
person uses our art, and our engine to make money. We don't like that! Besides
it's against the law.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Are you pursuing legal action against this Laura Beyer? If not, then aren't
you acknowledging that it's OK to charge for creative time?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

No to both questions.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I downloaded the Laura Beyer episode and was really bothered by the fact that
it installed its own textures over id's, replacing an unnamed sound card
vendor's advertising messages over many of the basic DOOM textures.

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

Does Laura work for said soundcard maker?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Greetings, Steve
 >>  I downloaded the Laura Beyer episode and was really bothered by the
 >> fact that it installed its own textures over id's, replacing an
 >> unnamed sound card vendor's advertising messages over many of the
 >> basic DOOM textures.

Are the textures patched over in the .PWAD file, or did it actually change
them in DOOM.WAD? I have changed many of the textures in my .PWAD, but would
never have a level that changed the sprites or floors in the DOOM.WAD without
asking first...

-- Paul D. Owensby 74212,2614

 >>  The installations that change the WAD file (e.g. the "silly" sound
 >> collection) clearly modify the main WAD directly. But just loading a
 >> PWAD with "DOOM -file name.WAD" - how could that change DOOM.WAD?

Whoa, sorry if I wasn't clear, what I meant was I would never have any sort of
file that changed your DOOM.WAD without asking you first, something like a
.BAT file that called the DMGRAPH sprite -s sprite.gif function.... I'm
definitely not the one to ask, but no, I really don't think a .PWAD could do
anything to the main file (unless it was a really big processor screw up :) ).
No, my original question was: Was it just the fact that she changed the
textures that bothered you, or that she put in the sound card "advertisement"?

                                    Paul Darius
-- Paul D. Owensby 74212,2614

       Is it even *possible* for a PWAD to change textures in the main WAD
file?  My understanding was, no way.  The installations that change the WAD
file (e.g. the "silly" sound collection) clearly modify the main WAD directly.
But just loading a PWAD with "DOOM -file name.WAD" - how could that change
-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

I can only tell you that 3 people in our office downloaded the Laura Beyer
episodes, and after that, all external PWADs, and even the original DOOM
levels, showed unwanted LB "custom" textures replacing the defaults.

Oh, I didn't even mention this - the level changed some of the sprites too!

We all wound up having to re-install DOOM...

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

Good question - I really don't know the answer.  I actually really enjoyed
seeing the possibility Beyer illuminated, in terms of using DOOM as an
interactive advertising vehicle.  But it's obvious that things will have to be
ironed out more before we'll see DOOM level's with Coca Cola logos all over
the place...

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

       It seems to me that if you plastered your adverts over the walls and
*GAVE AWAY* the levels, Id wouldn't blink. It's the fact that the Beyer
(Breyer?) levels are as-if Shareware, with money requested for further levels,
that puts a burr under their saddle.
       How about changing all the "UAC" wall and door textures to "ZiffNet"??
-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

       Here's something I didn't realize was possible - I just tried it for
grins.  You can stack up multiple PWAD names on the DOOM command line!  So
e.g. "DOOM -file FOREST.WAD CLASMUS.WAD STOOGES.WAD" gives me the excellent
"forest valley" levels, with "classical" music background (E2M1 is Bach's
"Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor" - M3 is "Phantom of the Opera"), and three
stooges sounds.
       I don't know precisely what happens when more than one WAD redefines
the *same* level, but I imagine you could use one of the utilities that
changes episode/mission number in a WAD and then stack up several of your
-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

#: 3357 S17/* Doom Conference
    05-Aug-94  22:35:43
Sb: #3276-Multiple PWADs at once!
To: \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Have you played any of the complete episode wads (eg. wadpak*.wad,
epi*best.wad, etc.)? The halls*.wad series is great.  Hallsall.wad repaces e1m1-e1m9.  These are strictly deathmatch wads.  You haven't done deathmatch 'till you've done these.  Great replacement weapon sounds (not that the originals aren't !). Good background music. Step on the wrong teleporter and you wind up in prison;  where you can't see out,  but other players can
see YOU and claim an easy frag.  Great fun!

-- Richard D. Henry 74077,3061

I recently began using additional WAD files for DOOM and in order to
start the game with the new files you should enter it like this:


Where NEWWAD.WAD is the new WAD file you wish to play.  This will also work
when playing over a modem or network on a new WAD file.


-- richard h smith jr 74734,2174

Try "Doom Control Center" 

-- Jack Israel 72241,2024

You can get DCC in GAMEWORLD.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

You can get the Doom Control Center here in GAMEWORLD in lib 17.  The file is called DCC.ZIP.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

I wondered which 'home grown' WADS that you have played seemed among the best
of the bunch - just your favorite top 10 will do!! -Jeff

-- Jeff Kasavan 76424,1125

Actually, there are only two (we haven't played many of them....)
The Star Wars wad (We love Star Wars!) and the UAC_DEAD wad.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I understand there are additional levels for DOOM on the Forum.  I looked
though the libraries (searched DOOM) but failed to recognize them.  Could you
help with the file names?

Thanks, Dale

-- Dale O. Irvine 74224,242

There's only 1 additional level in our libs at this time (PARKDO.ZIP)
in lib 17.

[Note: PCDOOM.ZIP is also available here. Both are modeled on Ziff-Davis HQ bldg at 1 Park Avee, New York. PARKDO.ZIP is the 11th floor, where Computer Shopper and Windows Sources make their home, and PCDOOM.ZIP is the 4th floor, home of PC Magazine and PC Labs. Both are excellent creations of Steve Baldwin, an editor for Computer Shopper. --RL, sysop]

Download with a protocol, and uncompress with pkunzip v. 2.04g or compatable.
If you don't have pkunzip v. 2.04g, it can also be found in lib 17 under the
filename PK204G.EXE (a self extracting executable).

[72241,2067] PARKDO.ZIP/Bin  Bytes:  57563, Count:  257, 28-Jul-94

  Title   : DOOM in Ziff-Davis HQ

  Stephen Baldwin's masterpiece DOOM level allows you to invade Ziff-Davis HQ
  offices and take out the mutant replacement editors. Highly recommended.
  Requires the registered version of DOOM.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

Thank you.  I'm downloading as I write.  Thanks again for the quick reply

Regards, Dale
-- Dale O. Irvine 74224,242

Always glad to help.  If you need any assistance finding other files, just
give me a yell.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

--->>>>>  If you haven't played Steve Baldwin's PARKDO level, you haven't
 lived. Of course, if you have played it, you certainly haven't lived. :)  
This level is available in GAMEWORLD as PARKDO.ZIP and is the 11th floor
of Ziff-Davis' HQ at One Park Ave., New York...

I'm being a bit presumptuous here, but have you downloaded the Ziff-Davis
Publishing HQ level, PARKDO.ZIP and played it through? What do you think?

Personally, I think it's great, but then again, I sometimes cruise those
same corridors. Starts fast and furious, needs motion to break through the
beginning, and even when you escape the building, you still have to get past
the New York City Highschool Hell Barons...

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Not yet. Right away though!

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I downloaded the .WAD file.   How do I get it  to work?  Do I need addional
software?   Can you help?

-- Ron Corradino 72123,1026

First, you need to expand it. To save you downloading time and $$$, we ZIP
(compress) most files. You'll need an utility to unzip the file. We have one
here in the library called PKUNZIP.

Put PKUNZIP.EXE in your DOOM subdirectory, which holds the PARKDO.ZIP file.
Then type in the command:


This will change PARKDO.ZIP into PARKDO.WAD.

Next start doom with the command:


(the -FILE tells DOOM to grab the PARKDO.WAD file. Note that you MUST have
the registered version of DOOM. All user-created levels will not work with
the shareware version).

When DOOM fires up, select New Game, then select Knee Deep in the Dead
episode. Then be prepared to run and shoot like crazy.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Just to expand a little on Russ's reply.  We do have pkunzip v. 2.04g, but the
file is lib 17 as PK204G.EXE.  It's a self extracting executable with all the
pkzip utilities including pkunzip.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

Russ, Are you responsible for it?

My hats off to you...   I've been toying with creating WADs of various NYC
public places that I frequent, but you beat me to it.  I'll still proceed, but
I look forward to your future uploads.  Good luck!

Needless to say, I enjoyed your layout.  Now, how about teleporting via one of
the elevators to the building lobby and out onto the street...

-- Robert Visser 70621,1553

I wish I could take credit for PARKDO.WAD, but alas, the creative genius
behind it is Steve Baldwin, who works on the level he created with the
pre-mutant editorial staff. This is an accurate representation of his floor
within Ziff-Davis HQ, straight from a floor plan and confirmed by his first
person presence (except the ladies room, I hope!)

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

This is Part 2 of the compiled version of the DOOM Conference held on the
Computer Gaming World Forum (GO GAMEWORLD) on August 1-5, 1994. 
GAMEWORLD is available on ZiffNet (via CompuServe) and is the online 
forum of Computer Gaming World magazine.

The conference is presented here in slightly edited form. Messages were 
shortened for clarity and organized by category so questions and answers 
are grouped together.

You can participate in future conferences like this by subscribing to ZiffNet. 
For more information on ZiffNet or Computer Gaming World magazine, send 
an e-mail to Max Green at MGREEN@ZDI.ZIFF.COM specifying your interest.

This text is Copyright (c) 1994 by Ziff-Davis Interactive and may be used and 
shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law. The 
transcript may be distributed free of charge, but it must be distributed in its 
entirety and must not be sold for remuneration of any kind. Archiving, 
redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms requires the the 
notification of Ziff Communications.

Russ Lockwood
Sysop, GAMEWORLD forum


Thanks much for your support (for PARKDO.ZIP)!
I'm very happy to hear from someone who has in mind the grand masterplan of
DOOMING Manhattan's great public monuments (One Park being the one I'm most
familiar with).  There are so many excellent, mappable spaces - the problem
that I've been having is that there's no centralized, digital library of

So that means a lot of legwork to get the plans.  It can be done - but it's

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

[[Since the conference, Steve has uploaded PCDOOM.ZIP, which is the 
4th floor containing PC Magazine and PC Magazine Labs--RL,sysop]]

--->>>>>   Of course, DOOM challenges the reflexes, but it also challenges your patience at trying to find every secret passageway and room. Here's some help for DOOMers...

Help, I've pretty much got everything covered but one thing perplexes me, Where are the rest of the secret passages in level one and how do you get to them?? I've tried everything and I can't figure it out.  I even downloaded the maps from a local board and can't find anything.  I think I'm just missing one room there, i Have no troubles with the other levels, any suggestions???

-- Troy Hopper 73142,1223

Go to the room before the one with the exit in it.  Backtrack to the room with
the zig-zag path through the nukage.  The platform that the two imps were on
should be down now revealing a hallway.  Enter the hallway and smoke the
possesed sergeant.  After he is dead, go back out of the hallway into the room
with the zig zag path again and then down the hallway and into the room before
that one (not the room towards the exit).  Ok, this is where it gets tricky so
listen up.  Turn back around and get ready to run back to where you killed the
Sergeant.  Hold down the shift key so you will run faster and just run back in
and across the nukage.  Run back down the hallway where the sergeant is and
you should see an elevator in the left corner of the room which has come down
( the trigger is in the previous room or the hallway ).  Get on the elevator
to and take it up!  It might take a few tries before you catch the elevator

-- James Ray 74431,3402

At the end of the first episode, after I land on the pantagram and get transported to another room, I always die. Is this the end of the game?

-- Mark Lind [ICRM] 71732,2046

That is the end.... there is no way to live in that room.  Congratulations!

-- L. Wayne Tripp, Jr. 70404,3600

I used to pause the game and type (iddqd) and u get more power but you
can't WIN at that level. No one can.

-- Gust                74733,343

There are ways to postpone the inevitable, but you can't escape this level
alive. I have used every cheat code there is and been able to kill all the
enemies, but you still die. I guess that room is highly radioactive so it
doesn't matter what you do, once you're in there. The radiation poison is
strong enough to wipe you out, everytime. 
-- Jeff Kasavan 76424,1125

A complex game sometimes gets complex problems. We try to help when we can, but the final authority is, of course, id Software tech support. This also contains a discussion about the beta version of DOOM 1.5.

I just picked up the shareware version of Doom to give it a try (heard so much
about it. I play it from dos, and it runs fine for about 3-4 minutes. Then it
goes crazy. When I go in a direction, it takes off and doesn't stop. I bump
into walls, go in circles, and loose total control. I have a 486DX2, and have
never had this type problem before. Any suggestions?

-- Jim Bahn 74363,231

Are you using a mouse, joystick or keyboard?

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067 

Try tapping all of your arrow keys several times in random order and in a
rapid sugsession.  I have that same problem occasionally and that seems to fix
it.  You have to do it when the problem arises.

-- James Ray 74431,3402

Thanks for the suggestion. But as a last resort I tried it with a joystick,
and same thing occurred. It goes fine for a few minutes and  then it goes off
on its own. Everything else runs fine, i.e. Wolf 3d, Spear of Destiny. It's
frustrating. Seems like a great game.

-- Jim  . Bahn 74363,231

       There's a known problem of losing directional control when playing with
a PS/2-type mouse in particular.  Try reconfiguring for keyboard play only and
see if the problem goes away.  It's more manly to play using just the keyboard

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Thanks for the suggestion, but as a last resort tried it with a joystick. Goes
fine for a few minutes, and then off it goes! So I've tried all three to no

-- Jim  . Bahn 74363,231

The guys at id told me they have a bug in the code that handles PS2 style mice
- the game loses track of the mouse and goes nuts.  They said they would have
it fixed in the next upgrade.

-- Rick Fisk 70613,737

I hope so. Thanks for the reply. I'll be watching..

-- Jim  . Bahn 74363,231

I've seen this too - it's as if the cursor key sticks and you go round and
round and round and... BUT - I've only seen it happen with v1.2, not 1.0 or
-- Anthony  Hughes 100277,3720

And that's what I have V1.2. I've tried everything. I played Wolf 3d, plus
Spear of Destiny with keyboard. Doom just doesn't want to work!

-- Jim  . Bahn 74363,231

A Laser 486DX2. I've tried everything, including cleaning the
keyboard. I've played Wolf 3d and Spear of Destiny with the keyboard. Doom
just takes off on it's own. It's strange.

-- Jim  . Bahn 74363,231

Now that I think about it, I had the same problem the first time I tried Doom
except mine went off on it's own imediately.  It was v. 1.0.  I played around
with it a while then decided it wasn't worth the effort and went back to Wolf.

Sorry, I don't have any more ideas, but I've asked the ID guys to UL v. 1.5.
Maybe that'll fix your problem.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

Thank you, I appreciate it. I've all but given up for now. I'll keep watching
though, it seems like a great game.

-- Jim  . Bahn 74363,231

I am not sure what your problem with Doom is, but I have had the same problem
with the addition that sometimes it totally freezes after it goes nuts.  What
I have done is just use the key board and it works fine.  I do not load the
mouse drive when I boot up and that seems to solve the problem.  

-- James M. Mucia 74437,3346

Hi guys,

I know you're here to talk about DOOM II, but I have read a _lot_ of gossip
about a 1.5 version that is flying around the 'net. I have no access to it
whatsoever, so would you mind telling me:

1. Does it exist?
2. Is there anywhere I can get it? Will it be on CI$ sometime? I own a copy of
the registered 1.2.

Thanks again for being part of the team that made computer games come of age!

-- Heath Perryman 74431,1027

Yes, but it is only a beta. It is not an upgrade.
Currently you can find it in the GAMEWORLD forum in Lib 7.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I go along with that.  We have the 1.2 shareware version in our libs.  If
there is a v. 1.5 I'd like to get a copy for our libs.

-Alan, CGW Librarian

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

Alan (and Heath),

 > If there is a v. 1.5 I'd like to get a copy for our libs.

 PMJI, but the rumored v.1.5  that's wandering around the Internet is a hacked
registered version that fixes the sound problems v.1.2 had under OS/2 (among
other things). I doubt you want to post it in your lib.

-- Dave Kapp 70612,571

If that's the case, not only don't I want it in our libs, but I couldn't put
it there if I did.  Besides, that wouldn't be very considerate of me for our
distinguished guests from ID, would it?

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

       The 1.5 I've run into is a *beta* Shareware release. I asked Jay at Id
whether I needed to get it, and he said it was pretty much strictly bug-fixes
- if 1.2 works fine, I don't need it.  Perhaps there is another 1.5 around
that's NOT properly from Id??

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Do you know of any legal non-beta versions, say 1.3 or 1.4?

Do you know if either of these releases fixes the PS/2 mouse problem?  It's
been mentioned a couple of times during the conference.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

       I wish I knew!  I didn't take very thorough notes beyond the statement
of "you don't need it". I'm pretty sure 1.4 was another beta release. Shawn
should know whether either fixes the PS/2 mouse thing.

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

I checked over in gamers this morning for v. 1.5.  It is indeed a beta with no
mention of the PS/2 mouse problem.  However, I believe there was a file out
there uploaded by IBM that explained why the problem exists (if I remember
correctly.  There were 433 files with a keyword of DOOM.  Geeesh)

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

re: your msg to Varzil the Good this morning concerning PS/2 bug fixes in 1.5
I have tried it at the office on a nullmodem Deathmatch configuration between
to Prolineas with PS/2 style bus mice, talking at 38.4kbps and after playing
1.2 registered and watching the system go nuts every few minutes I can
honestly say that 1.5 has no problem at all with its' mouse functions.
I have also heard via DOOMFaq 5.7 that id is planning to send out 1.4 upgrades
to registered 1.2 owners- has anybody heard anything about this; will it
happen and when?
Regards- rs

-- richard h smith jr 74734,2174

Interesting about the PS/2 mouse problem.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

boy was that quick!- I will. Thanks

-- richard h smith jr 74734,2174

I read in DOOMFaq 5.7 that id was(is) going to mail out a version 1.4 upgrade
to registered 1.2 owners.  Is this true and if so when will it happen.
I am using a 1.5 beta shareware release to get around the bus mouse problem,
but 1.5 won't allow play on any episode but Knee Deep in the Dead.
thanks. rs

-- richard h smith jr 74734,2174

No. We will not automatically mail the upgrade. We will make it available on
all of the on-line services. If you do not have access, you will be able to
get it by sending a postcard request.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

My modem Doesn't respond at all.  I try and call someone, someone tries to
call me, it doesn't respond. I have registered Doom.  Any help would be

-- David J. Palanuk 74223,15

There's a patch for Doom by modem in our libs.  It should be here in lib 17,
but, if not, try lib 7.  Try BRO LIB:17 KEY:DOOM.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

I have v1.1 of Doom. How can I upgrade this to v1.2 without too much cost.

-- JOHN A. KILBY 100343,3046

If it's the shareware version, simply DL DOOM.ZIP from right here in lib 17.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

We also have the 1.1 to 1.2 upgrade in our library.

--Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Major Problem...
I get all the way to the end, go onto the star, get transported into the room
with all the monsters... and die.  I've tried all the weapons I have, which
Rocket, Machine Gun, Shotgun, Pistol and Fists.  I am also currently
invisible.  I have tried it both visible and invisible, and still get creamed
in 9 seconds or less.


-- Mark Lind [ICRM] 71732,2046

Sorry, guy, that's it. Game over. All done. Now go register your copy if you
haven't done so already, and get the next two episodes which are way more fun
and deadly.

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

       That IS the ending. You're not victorious until the end of episode 3,
and even then...

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

You have finished DOOM, the shareware version. The only way to continue is
to get the registered version (I think it costs $40) by calling 800-IDGAMES.

If you have the registered version, you've finished the first episode. As I
recall, you don't get to keep your goodies when you start episode 2.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

I purchased a copy of Doom at a local office supply store based on great
reviews and experience with Wolf3D. I installed it according to the
instructions but it won't run. I keep getting a "Not enough DPMI" error message. I've tried several configurations of my available memory with no luck. This is the first game this problem has occured with. Wolf3D and others run fine, even some under windows.

Any suggestions? I have a 386/33, 4MB RAM,  200 MB HD, DOS 6.2 and
Windows 3.1

-- L. Alan  Wild 72164,2614

I would suggest booting clean w/no config.sys and no autoexec.bat.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I have unzipped every file that i downloaded.  I think.  I am now having
trouble running these files.  I see no executable filename.  Once these files
are unzipped, how do I run them.

I downloaded some DOOM files.

-- Derek G. Dieterich 74632,3125

Every file we have in the Doom Files library, lib 17, has a file(s) that
explains how to run them.  They usually have an extension of DOC or TXT. Also,
sometimes there is a README, READ.ME or a README.1ST file for additional
instructions.  You can view these files with any ASCII file editor such as
MS-DOS EDIT, or you can display them a page at a time by issuing the following
command: TYPE filename.ext|MORE where filename.ext is the name of the file you
want to view.

For any additional help, I'll need to know _exactly_ which files you

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

I am having problems with the 1.5b beta Doom and my commercal wads.  Is there
an update to 1.2 in the works?  Will Doom II kill any other Doom I updates?  

-- Albert Smerker 73234,1255

Followed by instructions for acquiring and running IHHD. Are you
familiar with this critter??  Sounds like at least someone thinks it CAN be done!

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Not really familiar with the program (never used it), but I've heard it
exists.... Never had any input on it...

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

The settings on my sound board are set for an IRQ of 10. I get the message
when running DOOM that the sound effects will not be played because DOOM
requires that the IRQ setting be below 10.  Has this been fixed or changed
already?  If not, will this be changed in later releases?

-- Eric Buckley 100426,337

I'm having some real big prob with using the modem with doom. My modem in doom
I think isn't even responding.....someone called me, and it did
nothing.....and I called someone, and it wouldn't do anything...I have DOOM
1.2 Sw, if someone can help me, please do so.
-- Mike  C. Cifani 74633,270

In response to a question about high-end video cards, Jeff Mace of PC Labs
remarked that he had seen DOOM (DOS version) running in HI-RES on a machine
with a Matrox Impression graphics card.  David White from Matrox says id
"modified their game to use the MGA hardware using the DOS extender (DOS/4GW)
to access the boards highlevel functions."

I'm researching 3D acceleration in order to buy a new computer.  What can you
tell me about the "modifications" made to DOOM?  Will there be a patch or
upgrade to DOOM to enable it to run in hi-res with this Matrox?  Will any
other card provide this same level of performance?  What about DOOM II?  And
finally, do you know if 3D acceleration is being utilized by any other game
companies?  Anything you can tell me on this will be appreciated.  Thanks for
your assistance!

-- Jeffrey Horn 74361,1122

I know I missed the Doom conference. I just found out about its passing 
yesterday. I had some serious questions about sound support for us laptop 
gamers. Is there any way I can  get questions answered? Did anyone else ask 
these questions?

Let me know.


-- Douglas Morse [75024,726]

--->>>>>    Next, we move on to all those suggestions and comments regarding DOOM network play...

What I would like to see is a DeathMatch Round without everyone starting
without all of the Keys.
        2 rounds we have been playing in-house (ie we don't think they are
good enough for the net) are concept levels where you are trying to accomplish
a goal while attacking your enemies.  Well... if I have all of the keys, I can
go anywhere. If you play in Co-op Mode you can see your opponets coming.  We
have a work around that you can't use the map but that limits the playable
complexity of the levels.
        New weapons would be great.
        More Potential Human opponets would be better.
        We really enjoy the orignal Doom and are looking forward to Doom II.
-- Kevin R Ryer 73312,3234

Is id software going to make the graphics of the players that you are viewing
in DOOM 2 better? Not that they aren't already great, but what would look 
better is if you could see the different type of gun that they are shooting with, instead of the same thing all the time.

-- Daniel 74273,1057

This is something we did think about during the design of DOOM, but quickly
decided it wasn't needed. When you're playing deathmatch, you don't really have enough time to get close enough to see what weapon the other guy is using before he uses it.
-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

I think you should get something when you kill a networked opponent.
a small health and some ammo would be nice. I'd also like to see a permanent
health pack for networked play. Presently, once every item is gone the only
way to reload is to die.

-- Jeffrey S. Chappell 70563,3416


I would like to know if you plan on supporting more than 4 players during
network match play in future versions of DOOM?

Is it possible to get on a BETA program as well as obtain the NeXT Step
version of DOOM?

Thank you in advance

-- Peter Perkins [70631,344]

It can't be done and still keep a playable speed.

:Is it possible to get on a BETA program as well as obtain the NeXT Step
version of DOOM?

We do not have any type of beta program, but you can ftp the NeXT version from

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

#: 3128 S17/* Doom Conference
    03-Aug-94  19:09:36
Sb: Doom 2 Network play
To: id Software 74250,2566

>This is something we did think about during the design of DOOM, but quickly
>decided it wasn't needed. When you're playing deathmatch, you don't really >have enough time to get close enough to see what weapon the other guy is >using before he uses it.

Unless, of course, he doesn't have a weapon and he's charging you to try and
punch you in the face.  I think if you ask the DM players, quite a few would
like to know what their opponent is holding by looking at him.

-- Lou Young 72662,3425

At the office we've been able to get Doom to run for up to 2 players. Not 3
nor 4. We now have downloaded version 1.5 shareware and still the same
problem. I've tried all the front-ends and read all the FAQ's. Is there
something realy basic I'm missing. I'd gladly send the 40$ US if that's the
problem.    ?????

-- Greg Lague 72520,3603

I, too, have the same problem - 3 or 4 players will lock up after a few
minutes. I'm not using any NOS, just IPX drivers over Ethernet. If you hear
from ID or anyone, could you maybe forward it to me? Thanks in advance.

-- Scott Vinick 73404,234

I wonder if you could give me some information regarding the serial link
option when playing Death Match.

My neighbour and I have installed a 40 metre long serial cable between our two
houses, specifically to be able to play multi player DOOM. The cable uses 7
cores and the game works very well, but relatively slowly by comparison with
the single player game.

The two computers are:
1.  A 386DX40 with 8MB ram and an ISA serial port.
2.  A 486DX40 with 4 MB ram and a VLB serial port.

When DOOM is setting up the serial link, it reports an 8250 UART on both PCs,
however, both serial cards appear to be fitted with 16450 UARTS (the AT chip
as compared to the reported XT chip.)

My query is:    If we upgrade to the newer 16550 UART serial cards, will DOOM
notice this and run at a faster baud rate, hence speeding up the operation of
the game ?
(We know that the existing cards will happily communicate with each other
(using other software) at speeds in excess of 19,200 baud)

What an addictive game it is, especially in multi player mode ...... just one
comment, is it possible to turn off the "bounce" when walking ........ my
dreams were bouncing last night ;-)

PS. Is there a club for "DOOM widows" ?

Shortly after posting my serial port query, I checked out the library and
found the file DSER27.ZIP, which I downloaded and BINGO ....... all our serial
port slow downs were solved in one fell swoop!!

The patch allows our 2 PCs to communicate at 19,200 baud and gives superb,
smooth, pause free operation of all the elements of the game ..... what was
great has now become superb.
Who needs 16550 UARTs with this speed of reponse ?

My grateful thanks to Tony da Costa, U.B.C. Electrical Engineers,
(, author of the patch for uploading it. If you're running
DOOM on a serial link, GET THIS PATCH!

-- Colin Carpenter 100334,2111

#: 3087 S17/* Doom Conference
    03-Aug-94  16:21:18
Sb: #2964-#Doom - Serial Link
To: Colin Carpenter 100334,2111 (X)

:My neighbour and I have installed a 40 metre long serial cable between our
:two houses, specifically to be able to play multi player DOOM. The cable uses
:7 cores and the game works very well, but relatively slowly by comparison
:with the single :player game.

Um, 40 meters!?!? You probably won't get a very good connection.

:What an addictive game it is, especially in multi player mode ...... just one
:comment, is it possible to turn off the "bounce" when walking ........ my
:dreams were bouncing last night ;-)

Sorry, no bounce toggle.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Re: the 40 meter long serial link.
>Um, 40 meters!?!? You probably won't get a very good connection.<

That's what we thought initially, and spent a few pounds on "would be"  cheap
serial line drivers. When these refused to work, in desparation we just hooked
up the cable itself, and lo and behold, it worked fine.

You may not have seen my 2nd message in the thread ..... if it's of interest,
after posting the query, we then found a patch in the DOOM section of the
library which enables the 2 PCs to run the Death Match serial game at 19,200
baud using our existing 16450 UARTs,  giving a  super smooth, super fast game
with no "slow down" sections at all.

Many thanks for the reply, keep up the good work :-)

-- Colin Carpenter 100334,2111

40 meter cable? What a scream! Keeps the phone lines open, though.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Serial links for DOOM - now that's something I know a liitle bit about.<G>. I
spend far too many hours of my life playing DEATHMATCH against my next door
door neighbour over the 40 metre long serial cable strung between our houses
.... it's superb!!!

Our cable is configured as follows:

Both ends are 25 pin female D plugs to fit the 25 pin male D sockets on our
serial ports.


                    PC1         PC2
                2 ......... 3
                3 ......... 2
                4 ......... 5
                5 ......... 4
                6 ......... 20
                20 ........ 6
                7 .......... 7

I think it's pretty much a null modem cable, but it definitely works perfectly
on these pin details. The cable is not shielded, just cheap multi core
telephone cable.

By the way, if you are going to play DOOM over a serial link, you really MUST
download the file DSER27.ZIP from the library. This patch allows our 2 PCs to
communicate at 19,200 baud and gives superb, smooth, pause free operation of
all the elements of the game. If you have the faster 16550 UARTS fitted to
your serial ports, you can go to any baud rate you like, within reason. The
standard DOOM comms setup runs at 9,600 baud and is very slow and jerky by

Once again, my grateful thanks to Tony da Costa, U.B.C. Electrical Engineers,
(, author of the patch for uploading it.

Hope this helps,

-- Colin Carpenter 100334,2111

This is Part 3 of the compiled version of the DOOM Conference held on the
Computer Gaming World Forum (GO GAMEWORLD) on August 1-5, 1994. 
GAMEWORLD is available on ZiffNet (via CompuServe) and is the online 
forum of Computer Gaming World magazine.

The conference is presented here in slightly edited form. Messages were 
shortened for clarity and organized by category so questions and answers 
are grouped together.

You can participate in future conferences like this by subscribing to ZiffNet. 
For more information on ZiffNet or Computer Gaming World magazine, send 
an e-mail to Max Green at MGREEN@ZDI.ZIFF.COM specifying your interest.

This text is Copyright (c) 1994 by Ziff-Davis Interactive and may be used and 
shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law. The 
transcript may be distributed free of charge, but it must be distributed in its 
entirety and must not be sold for remuneration of any kind. Archiving, 
redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms requires the the 
notification of Ziff Communications.

Russ Lockwood
Sysop, GAMEWORLD forum


Are there any plans for an on-line multiplayer version? I'm thinking
something similar to GEnie's Air Warrior or BattleTech?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567 

Couldn't be done. Too much delay over on-line services.

-Shawn Green
--  id Software 74250,2566

       I found this in Hank Leukart's DOOM FAQ:

"*8-5*: How can I play DOOM over the Internet?
        Enter IHHD -- the Internet Head to Head Daemon designed by Jim
Knutson.  With this brilliant little piece of code, multiplayer gaming has
soared to new heights.  With IHHD, you'll be able to play Head to Head against
other human opponents all over the world, with the only cost to you being the
regular prices you pay to connect to or use your Internet host. Best of all,
it's free...."

       .... followed by instructions for acquiring and running IHHD. Are you
familiar with this critter??  Sounds like at least someone thinks it CAN be

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Now, what a wild adventure.  A buddy and I run it over a serial cable, wear
headsets and communicate over the intercom line on the phone.  It's like
climbing right inside. Outstanding work people!!!

For some reason though, when we tried to run it across a Novell LAN (3.11) is
just will not link up.  We are certainly not done trying stuff but any hints
will help.  One machine is a 486/50 and the other is a 486/33 running 3com
16bit Ethernet cards.

-- Jeffrey M Plummer 70564,416

We have some network DOOM utilities in 17 that may help. Haven't run across
the network, so can't say what they do exactly, but the description should.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

I've found that not knowing what weapon your opponent has can be a good thing
in Deathmatch. It would a lot less fun charging after someone with only your
fists when they know that you are bluffing. Also, nothing is better in
Deathmatch than your opponent saying, "You got the rocket launcher?!" after
you've shot a rocket into his back.

-- Scott Douglass 73303,174

--->>>>>   Doom, like many other arcade games, is based on a shoot everything in sight philosophy, with a bit of blood splattering thrown in for good measure. As you might expect, the subject of violence in video games came up, and here's what went down duringthe conference...

I support the rating system for parents who care enough to monitor what their
kids do.  Unfortunately I don't feel the kids of these parents are the
problem.  It is really frustrating to see a silly cartoon (Beavis & Butthead)
censored for the sake of some parents who were unable or unwilling to take
responsibility for their childs actions.  I personally feel the same attitude
is applying to what their kids see.  'The game made them do it' or 'the song
made them do it' is ludicrous to me despite the attention it gets in American
I hope this doesn't affect the action and quality of incredible games like
DOOM (but I suspect it has and will :-( )
-- Barrett Richardson 73551,413

I am answering on my husband's logon.
I am doom fanatic!!!  He can't stand it.  He retired from the Marine Corps two
days ago and I retired from the Army Reserves a few months ago.
We have doom comparison talks at work each day and we have never run any of
the games in either "God" mode or what I consider wimp modes.

In fact, there are quite a number of women who love the game - they just don't
belongto Compuserve - I think that's the key - not everyone belongs to 3
on-line services like Tim and I.

-- Tim Kutta 72110,1261

I was channel surfing the other night, and actually ran into DOOM on CSPAN2,
which was showing the game rating hearings in Congress with Senator Lieberman.
All of us Doom fans take the violence for granted, and probably don't think
twice about it when we walk away from our machines. But the stats on violence
speak for themselves with increasing incidents among young people.

During the hearing, the SPA attorney said that ID will be complying with the
SPA rating system, which I happen to think is a good thing, but also have a
question for you as well as other DOOMers out there: to what degree do you
think computer games such as Mortal Kombat and DOOM contribute to violence in
society, if at all, or even at a subconscious level?

And I must admit, even as a core DOOM player and new parent, that I have a
hard time answering this question myself. By most accounts, DOOM is a fabulous
game, a technical gem, yet, we also have a social problem that stems across
all ages and racial backgrounds that we should do something about. Tough

Let me know what you think.

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

:During the hearing, the SPA attorney said that ID will be complying with the
SPA :rating system, which I happen to think is a good thing, but also have a
question :for you as well as other DOOMers out there: to what degree do you think :computer games such as Mortal Kombat and DOOM contribute to violence in
:society, if at all, or even at a subconscious level?

I don't think they contribute that much. Not anymore than any violent sports
do, anyway. Any intelligent person knows the difference between right and wrong and should be able to act accordingly with that knowledge. If someones actions are affected from what they've seen in a video game (or in sports for that matter) they have greater problems.

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Personally, I don't think the government has a right to babysit for every
American citizen. Adults have a right to entertainment that they enjoy. I just
hope the government doesn't go too far (i.e. banning etc..)

-- Joseph M. Sabatini 74312,1440

 >>  I just hope the government doesn't go too far (i.e. banning etc..) <<

 I'm afraid that's almost a forlorn hope.  There are a great number of
individuals out there who pride themselves on independence, etc. The "Master
Of My Destiny, Captain Of My Fate" crowd.  For the most part, they are
overlooked.  It's the whiners who want the government to do everything for
them, raise their children, pay their way, etc. etc. They are making more and
more noise, and causing the creation of more and more rules and regulations
that everyone must follow.

 It's a sad state of affairs...

-- Bruce Hawick 70714,3403

I agree completely. Thanks for the reply.

-- Joseph M. Sabatini 74312,1440

Nah, no banning here. They're just looking for a uniform rating system for
parents to be aware. Something similar to what the movies do now.

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

Well, if it's any indication of how all this anti-violence/political
correctness stuff has gone WAAAAY too far, I saw a short piece on CNN talking
about how Disney has come under fire for "The Lion King." Seems it's sexist
and racist at points, and  there is a "violent death scene" in it that one
mother they showed seemed upset to have had her children exposed to. (I KNOW
she hasn't seen DOOM)

Some random thoughts and ideas on this:

I wonder, will producers of quality ultraviolent software, such as Id, someday
have to carry insurance against the lawsuits of those claiming emotional
damage from using their product? Will the "DOOM" excuse start to appear in
courtrooms during murder trials, instead of the RAP, satanic rock, I couldn't
help it I'm a postal worker, excuse?

Did OJ play doom?

If you have DOOM dreams, do you have a right to compensation?

Will "DOOM widow" join the ranks of adultery and abandonment as legal reasons
for divorce?

Is there a reason for the similarities between the specials about the
Apocalypse shown on CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) and certain aspects
of DOOM?

If Id redid a version of DOOM for the SNES, would the guns have little flags
pop out that said "Bang!," the monsters say "Ouch!" when shot then just sit
down, the "Satanic" references, skulls, blood, gore, "skin walls," be replaced
by "Mario-themed" graphics, and the goal change to collecting "powerups?"

As a final violence note, may I suggest to ID the inclusion of "super
violent/gross/fatalities"  ala MK that appear infrequently enough to drive the
typical DOOM player to kill again and again and again (well, maybe more then
he/she usually would), just to see that rare occasion where something much
worse then simple death/explosion occurs.
An Imp with its head blown off, pumping blood, still walking toward you, for
instance, or maybe the occasional case where a sergeant gets cut completely in
half when you go at him with the chainsaw.

:)  I'm not ill, simply infected with the bug.

-- Alan Ofsevit 76304,677

       The Lion King discriminates against people with English accents. You'll
notice that the eeeeeevil Scar is the ONLY one who talks like that. Racist!

       Ya gotta wonder why Nala couldn't just shape things up.  I mean, she
was a lot smarter than the lazy bum of a "king" they ended up with. But noooo,
keep her in the kitchen, have her make babies, that's all. Sexist!

       Now, in DOOM all the ex-humans are either male or INCREDIBLY
beauty-deprived... wait, wrong phrase... "victims of lookism".  Sexist!  And
the demonst, cacodemons, and hell barons are all shades of pink.
Discrimination against non-pink monsters!

       (this would be fun if...)

--  \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Good thoughts, especially that bit about id taking on some insurance. They
should do it.

If I take your ideas one step further, it's just a matter of time before some
parents sue id because DOOM caused their child to <insert bad thing of choice

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

I'm not convinced that DOOM creates a violent consciousness.  Goal and
survival oriented, definitely.  Of course, level designers have the freedom to
design levels where nobody gets hurt - but they probably won't score any hits
at the virtual box office in a market demanding life-and-death entertainment.

When I showed Sandy Donnelly my add-on she asked why there weren't any female
sprites - no "DOOM Babes".  I suspect that if they existed, some of us might
react a little differently pulling the trigger.

But then again, perhaps we wouldn't...
-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

I think it's important to keep this violent angle in context. There are
certainly lots of other examples in society where violence has an unwelcome
and impressionable role: look at professional sports for example, and the
Knicks playoff game. And then one could always say how many juveniles who
committ crimes actually have access to a PC and DOOM. But they do have access
to MK in an arcade center.

I'm on the fence myself on this one, being not only a real DOOM fan, but also
a new parent. And I'm not even sure DOOM is a part of this either.

But what better place to ask, eh?

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

I support the rating system for parents who care enough to monitor what their
kids do.  Unfortunately I don't feel the kids of these parents are the
problem.  It is really frustrating to see a silly cartoon (Beavis & Butthead)
censored for the sake of some parents who were unable or unwilling to take
responsibility for their childs actions.  I personally feel the same attitude
is applying to what their kids see.  'The game made them do it' or 'the song
made them do it' is ludicrous to me despite the attention it gets in American

I hope this doesn't affect the action and quality of incredible games like
DOOM (but I suspect it has and will :-( )

-- Barrett Richardson 73551,413

What makes this an interesting issue is the fact that online,
computer-distributed entertainment programming is still in its infancy. Many
make the mistake of likening this new age of programming to earlier stages of
electronic communication - i.e. broadcast models.  Here, it made sense, to a
certain degree, to deal to the least common denominator - i.e. to design
programming that "wouldn't offend anyone."  Hence the blandness we've known
for so long on much TV.

In the new age of niche (or special interest) online programming, I very much
doubt that the chilling effect of gov't or internal industry censorship
policies will have as much weight as before.  At least I hope so...
-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

As a veteran game player (starting with coin-op and Atari 2600 games) and
game reviewer for over 11 years for a variety of Ziff-Davis magazines and
on-line services, I've probably played thousands of different games (not all
violent) and killed millions of electronic beings. So, far, I've yet to take
a gun to fast food restaurant patrons, post office workers, politicians,
people in private homes, freeway drivers, or corporate managers.

I do not believe there is any link between video games and violence. If
there was a definite link, then at the very least, the million or so people
who have played DOOM would have left a trail of carnage across the US. I, of
course, would have slaughtered half of Illinois by now and probably made a
good inroad into Indiana.

What people fail to ask is...

Will non-violent video games promote altruistic behaviour?

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

> What people fail to ask is...
> Will non-violent video games promote altruistic behaviour?

"Altruism" is a dubious concept (is it altruism, or enlightened egoism etc)
but good manners, ethics, and fair play are somewhat more solid (within a
given cultural context).  How would you feel about a game where victory was
achieved, not by killing, but by making and distributing hundreds of copies of
the registered version of a shareware program?  Where you pretended to be a
shareware registrar, but in reality would take the credit card numbers you
were told and sell them to criminals?

The most enjoyable moments for me in (single-player) Doom occur in Level 1,
Episode 3, when, armed only with a pistol, it is possible to survive in the
great arena by getting the stupid evil ones to fight each other.  Yet, I see
people who make themselves invulnerable, fully armed, and interpenetrant
simply wade through a level killing everything in sight.  I'm tempted to teach
them about "respawn" so they can dispense with even walking around.  The
concept of "fair play" in a computer game differs from "fair" in poker (where
lying is okay and paying for extra cards is okay, but using mirrors or
stealing antes is unfair) or "fair" in baseball (where stealing bases is okay,
but paying the umpire for extra outs is unfair).

Certainly a game that offered a greater reward for helping your defeated
opponent recover (turn him/her into an ally, like Robin Hood and Little John)
than for slaughtering him would be welcome in many parents' homes.

-- Thomas Holaday 70407,534

Yes, it is always pleasing to see some guy turn his back and fire at someone
firing at you.

There must be several examples of games where you conquer a country, then
turn around and try to build loyalty so they will help you.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

DOOM & Violence!!
Isn't this a sad indication of where we are at!

All the people I have met/spoken to play Doom for the fun of it, they are all
sensible well adjusted and would never indulge in 'real' violence.  They know
the score and what is right and wrong.

If people are going to be violent, it has to do with more fundamental things
than exposure to games like Doom.  Limiting games like Doom in any way is not
going to change these people.

A rating system may help prevent exposure to kids but as mention elsewhere in
this thread, the kids whose parents notice the ratings are not the kids to
worry about.

I sit blasting the hell out the baddies 'cos it is awesome fun and pumps the
adrenalin.  Mind you a blast on my bike and burning off Ferraris is even
better! :D

-- Paul White 100113,1744

Besides, most Doom players wouldn't have time to do any real violence
anyway..... They're too buisy playing the game ;-)

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

I have been reading some posts from the Internet that claim the Senate has
"set its sights on DOOM" in its hearings/investigations into computer game
violence and the establishment of a standard ratings system.

What is id's take on this situation? Are you particularly concerned that you
may be required to tone down the content of the game? What are your opinions
of the congressional proceedings as a whole?

-- Joseph M. Sabatini 74312,1440

We had a similar discussion in the thread "Doom and Violence", you might want
to check that out. The relevant point for you here is that id will be giving a
rating to it's game, something to acknowledge the violence, but they're not
going to tone it down (nor should they).

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

As a part-time Police Officer, I'd like to add my opinion of Doom, Violence,
Congressional Hearings, etc.  I play Doom at LEAST 3 times a week to help me
unwind.  I have no problem with shooting a bunch of pixels on a screen.  I
feel I'm one of the "normal" people who can distinguish reality from fantasy.
I've seen many people who've gone ballistic for one reason or another.
(usually drugs and/or alcohol are involved)
When they go to trial, the defense will come up some of the most incredible
of Bovine Excrement you have ever heard!  The REAL reason for the amount of
violence in America today is that no one is willing to take responsibility for
their own actions plus the break down of the family unit.  Games such as Doom
have nothing to do with the problems America faces today.  Video games, Music,
certain Sports, etc., are easy targets for people who are unwilling or unable
to address the real problems.

Well, I'm rambling.  I think I'll go play Doom to calm down................

-- Loran/Paula DeFeyte 75023,3276

Hey, thanks for that insight. Good perspective that we don't much of around

The breakdown of the family unit is pretty well know, although I wouldn't mind
seeing some demographic data behind that. Your comment about people not taking
responsibility for their actions is something we don't hear much of, yet I
think it's amazingly accurate.

-- Craig Kerwien 72241,224

Thank you.  I didn't mean to ramble but its an issue that I, and other
officers, feel very strong about.  I don't think our government or small, well organized groups of people have any business trying to control our lawful way of life. Period.

The USA was founded by people who were tired of a government treating them the
way our government is treating us.  I love this country and would never leave
it, but I'm afraid the time is coming where the people just won't take it anymore.  The sad thing is that a situation like that is totally avoidable.  'Nuff said on this subject.

Doom on!!!

-- Loran/Paula DeFeyte 75023,3276

--->>>>>   Virtual Reality--the great new buzzword of the computer industry--and DOOM. Enough to make your mind spin, eh? Here's what folks had to say about VR...

Since DOOM has made it onto Windows via WinG why not go all the way
with full DCI support ? Thereby enabling future 3D Accelerators and
Low-Cost Virtual Reality Devices.
Question :
Is it in the plan for DOOM to have a VR version using new techniques
in StereoScopic 3D-depth simulation.
Would it be worthwhile for the programming team to consider a special
version just to give the mind-blowing reality of real 3D ?
History :
Remember a version of Wolfenstein that was made to use Red-Blue
Glasses, you know, like the ones you get at the movies. How was
the user response to that ? And would anybody pay more for a real
VR headset to enable true 3D without the funny Red-Blue or Red-Green
discoloration ?
For that matter would any programmer waste his time coding for it ?
Proposal :
What if that VR headset/glasses cost US$200 and could display true
3D at resolutions up to 1152x900 in 64K colors ?
What if : all that was required on the Graphics card side was a
US$150 DRAM based accelerator, Or a US$400 VRAM based accelerator
(for the higher resolutions) ?
Would that class it as "available to the mass market" or "within the
reach of your average end user". And therefore worthwhile to do ?
Fact :
What if I said all this technology was available today from an
existing Windows Accelerator Card and existing 3D Glasses technology
and can work today on, and compatible with, Windows 3.1 using
existing DCI DFB (Dual Frame Buffering) Driver Technology ?
We are researching the user demand for REAL 3D in gaming environments
and especially in the same market that DOOM sells into.
The next step in gaming/graphics hardware technology is here today
and only needs enough demand to have it placed within the reach of
the average end-user.
I would appreciate people adding to this thread or contacting me

-- David Wyatt 71670,1646

       I wouldn't call that "real 3D".  You can set up a netgame with three
adjacent computers, and use command-line arguments to give two of them "left"
and "right" views.  Actually... here's what Hank Leukart's FAQ file says:
    If you have a network, try setting up a network game with three players.
    The three terminals should have the parameters:
                "doom -devparm -net 3 -left"
                "doom -devparm -net 3"
                "doom -devparm -net 3 -right"
    Then, set up the left and right terminal monitors next to the middle
    monitor, in a virtual-reality type configuration.  When you turn your
    head, you see the screen turned 90 degrees!  This ONLY works with
    versions 1.0 or 1.1 of DOOM.
-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50
There is 1 Reply.
#: 2930 S17/* Doom Conference
    02-Aug-94  10:17:32
Sb: #2910-Virtual Reality And DOOM
To: \/arzil the Good 72241,50
Sure , and why not buy 3 x 34 inch monitors to watch it on ?
And 3 x Pentium systems to run them ?
($ x $ x $)
I'd like to keep this thread on track.
What I am proposing works <today> with 1 only monitor and 1 only set of 3D
Glasses which weigh approx. 200gm on 1 only system and with one only 486DX
CPU. We're actually looking at an accessory that could be placed within the
disposable cash limit of the average american game player. That's a realizable
- More feedback please, more users !
-- David Wyatt 71670,1646

I own a Cyberman, and I also play alot of DOOM.
I AM able to play doom with my cyberman. The cool thing with it is that you
get a 'buzz' from the Cyberman when you get shot! That's what you call
tactile feedback. However, I find the control of the Cyberman (movement)
to be really bad (or difficult).  Thus, I just use the keyboard most of the
time (sigh)
I also have not found alot of uses for the Cyberman...
-- Peter Filippone 72741,1030

How Did you get your Cyberman to Work With DOOM. Expecially the Tactile

Would love it give it a try and check it out.

~-- Rob Stanclift 74734,243

The disks you get with the Cyberman include some sample games
and applications, as well as the DRIVERS for the Cyberman.
Once the driver is installed (The procedure is alot like installing
a microsoft mouse), run doom's setup, select mouse & keyboard
control. DOOM automattically recognizes the Cyberman. If you
put the optional 2 AA batteries into the Cyberman, the tactile
feedback will work. It's pretty shocking to be hit by an Imp's
fireball and to feel your hand get 'BUZZED' !

If anybody out there uses the Cyberman on a regular basis, please give
me a shout....

-- Peter Filippone 72741,1030

I just got one a couple of day ago...Pretty neat...I just wish there was a
little mechanical toggle to allow it to center itself...

-- Bryan Bowers 75470,1324

Thanks.. I got used to the joystick myself and think i tried the mouse but
never re-configured it.  I guess thats all I needed to do.. WIll give a whirl.

-- Rob Stanclift 74734,243

Drat - I obviously misread the comment on the FAQ.  What's needed is an add-on
to simulate parallax - the described set-up would be interesting at trade
shows, but not really practical, I guess.

What's your take on why this feature was dropped from the latest version of

-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

       (Dare I respond? I may be accused of being off-track! Oh, I will be
brave...) I think you said the answer yourself - the described set-up would
not really be practical. And DOOM deathmatch players would NOT "waste" three
nodes on the three-monitor setup - they want to BLAST. Probably removing that
feature saved them a fair amount of code.

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

I guess the absolutely cheapest way to enhance DOOM without going to goggles
or multiple monitors is to build one's own fresnel lens monitor hood - Alfred
Poor showed me this thing and while it's not 3-D, it's much more cinematic
than the standard CRT.

Looks really weird on the monitor, though - and terrible for reading E-mail
-- Steve Baldwin 72241,733

Absolutely Bl..dy marvelous.
I'm a 3D studio man, been playing with loads of 3D view routines for that 'in
depth' feeling. Goggles etc, RDS output, R/G output etc etc etc

Doom and games slated for future release are moving en-mass into the
'enviromentally realistic' arena. A performance matched system with your
goggles etc will very soon become an acepted standard for game play.

I'm a department head for a UK Disti and some points spring to mind.
1. We have had several enquiries for the future possibility of 3D goggle
2. We attracted a large number of people to a VR exhibit - there is definite
3. A 'Home' user priced system as proposed should be a high volume seller.

Can we talk further about the product ?
LCD flicker goggles ? or twin colour LCD ?  etc ......

-- Andy Phillips 100120,1056

       I get the impression you are trying to sell something. Steve opined
that DOOM already had some kind of 3D option, and I pointed out precisely what
it is, *AND* that it is not truly 3D, and not even available in version 1.2.
This is not off-track.

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Have you ever played with a VR device ?
Not the surround vision type. But one that gives depth and perspective their
proper meanings ? If you did then you'd know what the difference is.

It's a very un-real experience.

I am not trying to sell anything, I'm project leader at an R&D company and I
am trying to sell this to my Boss. i.e. I got the technology. You guys are the
market. If I can get enough quality responses (positive) then I can ask for funding and cost-down on production.

The device works well enough on demo applications but without some solid
app-ware (like Doom) there's really not going to be much interest.

It's workable if there's demand.

-- David Wyatt 71670,1646

       It is mildly disconcerting to "converse" with someone electronically
when they fail to READ the messages you send them. You're not advancing your
cause, and it seems a GOOD cause. I will refer you back to the message you
responded to, the one in which I point out that the feature of DOOM he was
thinking of is *NOT* 3D.

       When what's-their-name came out with the Virtuality games (Dactyl
Nightmare, the race games, etc.) they invited me to the unveiling at Club DV8
in San Francisco. I've played with this stuff, fer shure. I mention this
because of your implication to the contrary.

       DOOM with a virtual reality helmet would be incredible, no question.
It's just that you're not going to get your positive responses by trying to
control how other people talk on the forum. You probably don't think so, but
I'm trying to help you!

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Hey that's cool - you win !

I re-read the message and mapped it out to show your response. I'm guilty of
only reading half of it and splurting out my response. I just didn't want this
thread to diverge from the sublime to the ... (i mean , really ! 3 monitors !
you gotta be kidding me !)

BTW : It's not a helmet thing ! They're like about the same as wearing a pair
of thickly set Rayban's. And the cool thing is they don't have to interfere
with your normal working style.

For example : you can wear the 3D glasses to play doom in WinG on Windows and
pop up a 2D Excell speadsheet (If that was your pleasure - not mine) and they
would all work cooly together. i.e. Doom in mind-altering StereoVision on one
window while (equally mind-altering) excell was just like normal 2D excell and
through the glasses nothing else on the desktop had changed.

Did you see the NASA robot descending into the Volcano (on TV news) recently ?
You may notice that they were wearing these funny grey color glasses and they
could show a 3D view of the robot's path.

That's what I am talking about !

NASA uses these things all the time for doing visualization.
Especially since there is a 3D glasses port on almost every SGI (Silicon
Graphics) system that ships including Indy.

-- David Wyatt 71670,1646

       I don't seem to yet see any response from Id on this one. Maybe that
means it's "too close to home"?  Maybe QUAKE will be fully 3D, but they don't
want to say so, so they say NOTHING?  Well, prob'ly not, but it was fun to
think so.

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

--->>>>>   A little knowledge is dangerous, as proven by the mere hint of a DOOM II successor, Quake, in the CGW article...

I re-read the CGW article last night on DOOM ][, and would like to know a
little more about Quake.  I realize it's in the "idea phase" right now, but
the article said the player would be a Thor-like individual with a hammer. It
will have better graphics with the baddies actually having depth, and when you
fall, you'll actually tumble and land on your back.

Here's what I'd like to know, if possible:

1) Will it have all the features that everyone has come to enjoy from DOOM,
i.e. individual, modem, serial and network play?

2) Since the article mentions the hammer, I'd assume that the weapons will be
more primitive.  Will there be other weapons like maybe a sword?

3) Will the graphics be higher resolution?

4) Do you think that some of the ideas mentioned in this conference will be
considered and implemented in Quake?

5) Since the release of DOOM ][ is slated for October and Quake is to begin in
September, how will this effect updates and support for DOOM and DOOM ][?

6) Is there any preliminary release date?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

::What you are describing will not be seen until Quake

Quake??????? Quake???????

did I miss something or is that a new game!

-- Kevin R Ryer 73312,3234

New game.

-Shawn Green
id Software

       QUAKE is the successor to DOOM. Totally new engine, with
as-yet-undisclosed totally new features. I asked Jay W. if there was anything
he wanted mentioned in print, to tittillate the waiting DOOMsters, but he said
no, let 'em wait 'til it's REAL.  I think he was afraid the level of
anticipation would cause riots if he let us know what will be possible with
the new QUAKE engine. SO.... it's just a promise for next year, and we can
imagine whatever we like.

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

Okay...Okay...I know this is a DOOM 2 conference but I have a few questions
about Quake.  I hear it will be a role-playing type of game with speech from
characters in the game.  Is this true?  And will there be more than 4-player
option on networks?

If Doom 2 requires 486/33 - 8 megs RAM I can only fear the worst with QUAKE!
I hope it won't require DX2's only or God forbid a Pentium!!!!

Geez.....It looks like I have to upgrade....

BTW......Keep up the good work!!!!!!!

-- Noel  Ruiz 74722,2133

#: 3334 S17/* Doom Conference
    05-Aug-94  16:36:34
Sb: #3162-#DOOM II recommendations

A small query about the next generation id game (quake?). Rumour has it that
the player will be able to look up and down. This requires far more work to draw the walls. Does this mean that the game will need a Pentium or fast 486?

Also, the point about player's being able to join a game at any time. Will
this be implemented in the next generation game?

-- Keith Goodyer [MSU Ltd] 100317,2700

Quake will require most users to upgrade their systems.

-Shawn Geen
-- id Software 74250,2566

--->>>   Although a little out of date by the time you read this, we ran a ROOM of DOOM contest where people would submit their best "room" to win ZiffNet goodies. So this section is a little of For Your Information. Of course, we'll welcome your uploads of original WAD files anytime...

In honor of the DOOM conference here (August 1-5), GAMEWORLD will be running
a contest for the month of August called ROOM of DOOM.
To enter, just create a room to run in DOOM. Populate it anyway you like,
create it in any shape, and put in what you will. You'll need one of the
DOOM editors (you can download one right here from GAMEWORLD's library),
create a .WAD file, and then upload it right here.
Whatcha get? Fame, of course, plus a goodly shower of ZiffNet goodies to
impress your family and friends. OK, it's not exactly a Ferrari, but then
again, you're only making a room, not an entire game. :)
No more than 24 vertices. How you use those 24 is up to you, and we will
allow additional rooms as long as no more than 24 vertices.
Judging is done by myself and co-judge Steve Baldwin (he of PARKDO.WAD
fame). Our decisions are arbitrary, but not capricious, and of course,
Contest ends midnight August 31.
Prizes will be ZiffNet goodies, awarded solely on the judges' opinions.
ZiffNet is not responsible for lost, stolen, or otherwise mangled entries or

Good luck and let's see what you creative folks can do!

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

I thought I saw some info on a doom PWAD level contest where you create a 24
vertice (max) level to enter with. I spent three days on it and now I cant
find the message to see where I need to go to upload it?  HELP! -lee-  

-- Lee Dixon 74354,3314

With all the Doom conference traffic, it could've already scrolled off, but
all you need to do is upload your file to lib 17.  The first 3 characters of
the filename needs to be DRC followed by your initials and have an extension
of WAD if it's uncompressed or ZIP if it's compressed with pkzip.  If you do
decide to compress it, please use pkzip only.

Include in the description that the file is an entry into the Doom Room
Contest (hence the DRC in the filename) and your name (please, no addresses).
Also include the keyword of ENTRY in your upload.

Your room will be evaluated by Russ Lockwood and Steve Baldwin along with all
the other entries, and a winner will be announced at the end of the month.

BTW, all you lurkers out there, these entries will be available for you to
play as well.  Just enter the command BRO LIB:17 KEY:ENTRY then type DOW at
the Disposition ! prompt.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

Im using wincim and have no idea which lib is which.And cant find Disposition!
prompt ANYWHERE. So im uploading to "DOOM FILES" area and I hope its right???

-- Lee Dixon 74354,3314

That's the one.  Sorry, I should've mentioned the name of the lib as well.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

I checked out Lee Dixon's entry last night.  I was going to merge it this
morning, but, in light of his message to you (#3255), I'm going to hold off on
it until I hear from you.  He has a good point.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

       Sounds interesting, but WHAT catalog is it that assigns them this
catalog number? The grand official catalog of DOOM add-ons? Where do I get
this catalog? YEAH!

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

To be honest, I'm not absolutely positive.  I think it's the PBS catalog, but
I haven't had a chance to verify this.

I'll check on it and let you know.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

Upload it on up into section 17. You don't have to .ZIP it or anything--just
upload it binary and we'll take it from there.

(it will take a day or two for us to process it, virus check, etc).

Looking forwards to your ROOM of DOOM!

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Are you going to post the entries to play as they come in?.I think that might
be unfair for those of us who enter early.I could DL all the entries and build
mine based on the others.I think we need to "sealed bid" all entries until the
decision is made on the winner.Then release all the WAD contestants. I would
not like to see joe shmo take apart mine or any other entries and "build a
better mousetrap"
 Keep em' all secret until the end,so they all will be reviewed for thier
individuality not "me too" copycats.Noone will know what everyone entered
until the dust settles. Im not trying to take this too seriously this *IS* a
game! just want it to be fair.   -lee-

(soapbox off)

--  Lee Dixon 74354,3314

       Entries will be available for download before the contest is over? I
would find that fact a discouragement to entering at any moment before
midnight on the last day. Are you sure you want to make them available AS they
What *is* the last day?  August 31?

-- \/arzil the Good 72241,50

After reading #3255 from Lee Dixon, I decided to hold off on it until we've
had a chance to re-think our procedure.  So, Lee Dixon's entry isn't available
for downloading by our general membership.  BTW, that was our first entry.

According to the original announcement August 31 is the last day.

-- Alan Ray [GameLib] 72241,2067

That's a good point. I had not thought of the reverse engineering style
creation. Since you are the first and it sounds more than fair to me, OK.

We'll hold all entries until we announce winners on Sept. 1, then we release
them in a blaze of glory.

Someone also mentioned something about multiple entries. Since every other
contest I've ebver seen allowed multiple entries, I will too.

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

Just to remind you, GAMEWORLD is having a ROOM of DOOM contest that runs
throughout the month of August. Judges will be Russ Lockwood, sysop of
GAMEWORLD, and Steve Baldwin, sysop of SPEAKEASY and author of the fabulous

Download a DOOM editor (if you haven't already) and whip up a room. Your
only restriction is the "room" can have a MAXIMUM of 24 vertices. Other than
that, your imagination is the only limitation.

Upload your WAD file to the section 17 library. No need to ZIP it, just
upload as is. Winners will be determined by the arbitrary, though never
capricious, judging of Lockwood & Baldwin.

All ROOM of DOOM uploads will be held until the contest ends, then released
Sept 1. Multiple entries are allowed. Winners will receive fame, bragging
rights, and other ego-boosting accolades. For the more material-minded among
you, winners will also receive ZiffNet goodies.

We look forward to your inspirational ROOMs of DOOM!

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

--->>>   And finally, some miscellaneous info that you may find interesting...

Hi guys!   Congrats on the success of DOOM!  I'm probably the only person in
this forum who *hasn't* played (or even seen) DOOM. I don't know about you
guys, but I'm GLAD to be out of Shreveport!  :D I wish continued success to
all of you.

-- Scott Resh 75230,42

Whatcha waiting for? Download DOOM 1.2 from right here in the GAMEWORLD forum. Worth every minute of download time!

-- Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

All those at id from Shreveport congratulate you on your pilgrimage. We know
what you mean!!!!

-Shawn Green
-- id Software 74250,2566

Hi, I'm trying to get version 1.2 for my doom. I have the full version, 
where can I find the upgrade?

Mike  C. Cifani 74633,270 (X)

The patch is in GAMEWORLD Library 17.

Fm: Russ Lockwood[Sysop] 72241,567

I have read in USA TODAY and COMPUTER SHOPPER that discussions are currently
underway for DOOM -THE MOVIE .I understand that you may not be at liberty to
discuss said topic,if it ,in fact,does or does not exist (mission impossible
music would be appropriate here) but If you are talking,whats the status? And
I wish to nominate "THE ARNOLD" (swartzenneger ?) for the lead role!!

-- Lee Dixon 74354,3314

[DOOM: The Movie is apparently a reality, signing up a director and moving 
forward to reality. --RL, sysop]

And so ends the DOOM Conference. We hope you've enjoyed it and hope you'll 
participate in future conferences.