

This software is provided free and as-is and I will NOT be liable for anything bad that happens to you or your computer if you choose to use it. Nothing terrible has happened to me or anyone I know from using this software, but you download it and use it at your own risk.

DETH v4.24 for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

DETH is a DEU-based editor written by Antony Burden and Simon Oke. I've been maintaining it and making it BOOM-compatible for a year now.

DETH v4.24 binary 355k (requires Windows or CWSDPMI.EXE)

DETH v4.24 sources 161k

DETH v4.24 change log 36k

BOOM Tools

CMAPTOOL v1.01b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

CMAPTOOL is a simple utility for generating custom colormaps for use in BOOM with 242 fake floor/ceiling specials. This version has a simpler image for hand editing and allows any subset of the 34 colormaps to be operated on.

Cmaptool v1.01b 112k (requires Windows or CWSDPMI.EXE)

MAKTRLMP v1.0b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

MAKTRLMP converts the TRANMAP.DAT files output by BOOM to translucency lumps that can be included in a PWAD for custom translucency levels.

Maktrlmp v1.0b 24k (requires Windows or CWSDPMI.EXE)

SWANTBLS v1.0b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

SWANTBLS converts a text file specifying switches and wall and floor animations to the BOOM lumps SWITCHES and ANIMATED, suitable for inclusion with a PWAD.

Swantbls v1.0b 26k (requires Windows or CWSDPMI.EXE)

STAT v4.84b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

Output statistics and balance information about a DOOM, DOOM II, or BOOM wad

Stat (100k) (Requires CWSDPMI.EXE or Windows)

CLED v4.88b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

Change level properties from the command line in a DOOM, DOOM II, or BOOM wad

Cled (100k) (Requires CWSDPMI.EXE or Windows)

MUSPUT v1.1b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

Move music from MID, MUS or WAD file to a DOOM, DOOM II, or BOOM wad's level

Musput (94k) (Requires CWSDPMI.EXE or Windows)

MMUS2MID v1.0b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

Convert from .MUS to .MID

Mmus2mid (26k) (Requires CWSDPMI.EXE or Windows)

Patcher Utilities v4.98b for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

Patcher provides command line tools for construction and manipulation of DOOM2 wads. There is much support for DOOM, HERETIC, and HEXEN wads as well. It is ideal for batching project wad construction, and provides tools for incrementally updating large project wads. Some unique features:


Patcher v4.98 Beta (514k)

Patcher v4.98 Beta Source (255k)

View Patcher v4.98 Beta Release Notes (24k)

Standalone Utilities for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

NBLD v1.5 for DOS and Win'95 DOS Windows

NBLD (Now SLIGE compatible) is a nodes-blockmap builder that may become a reject builder as well. It was developed independently from the description in DMSPEC16.TXT, but ideas from Lee Killough/Colin Reed's BSP builder, and John Carmack's IDBSP were used during debugging and optimization, my thanks to them.

Nbld v1.5 110k (requires Windows or CWSDPMI.EXE)

Moveit (90k) (Requires CWSDPMI.EXE or Windows)

Move or center vertices, things, sector floors in a wad.

Cp v1.02 (148k) (Requires CWSDPMI.EXE or Windows)

Cutpaste utility. Construct BMPs from sections of others with light translation.

CSDPMI4B (43k)

CWSDPMI.EXE, Run-time DOS-extender for DJGPP programs.

Wsubst (13k)

Globally substitute a list of textures with others in a DOOM, DOOM II, or BOOM wad

Fsubst (13k)

Globally substitute a list of flats with others in a DOOM, DOOM II, or BOOM wad

Mandelbrot Browser

MbWin (191k) (Requires Windows 3.1 or 95)

Explore Mandelbrot set, or compute preloaded images.
